Thursday, February 15, 2024

Study notes: Romans 13

 CONTEXT: Romans 12:14-21

  • v. 14: "bless those who persecute (you), bless and do not curse."

  • Paul choes Jesus, “love your enemies”: Mat 5.38-39

  • Change of the OC law “an eye for an eye” (lex talionis): Lev. 24.20

Cp. God commands lethal self-defense: Ex 22.2. But Jesus says “pray” for them: Luke 6.28-29

  • v.19 Don't be an avenger, AB footnote

Paul sees the state as a tool of vengeance in 13:4, but he never imagined that believers assume that role. NT believers are not part of the present political world-system. They are resident aliens, and should not be fighting in the wars of this world-system. Satan’s kingdoms become the Kingdom of God only at the future seventh trumpet which signals the arrival of Messiah to rule with the saints (Rev. 11:15-18). Jesus did not attempt to interfere with politics at his first coming.

Gregory Boyd, author Myth of a Christian Religion and Myth of a Christian Nation.

Jesus’ complete lack of interest becomes even more significant when we remember that he lived in politically volatile times. The reason is that the kingdom of God that Jesus [preached] has nothing to do with having the “right” opinions about how the kingdoms of the world should run. It’s rather a kingdom that “is not of this world” (Jn. 18:36). The only instructions Christians are given vis-à-vis government in the New Testament is to respect and submit to authorities as much as possible, to pay our taxes and to pray for leaders so there will be peace (paying taxes, Mk 12:13-17; Rom 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:13-17). And even these instructions are not given out of any concern for how government should run but to simply facilitate the spreading of the Gospel.

J.W. Allen, A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, 1928, p 132.

"Yet it would be a gross mistake to suppose that men, at any time, took their political opinions from St. Paul."

CONTEXT: Roman government headed by Nero (57-64 AD).

  • According to some killed his mother (poison or drowned); killed his 2nd wife (kicked her while pregnant!)

  • Blamed Christians for burning Rome;

  • CFs called him the first persecutor of the faith; others the AntiChrist!

  • Tradition states he martyred Paul and Peter!

Roman 13:1, Authorities = Government

  • Paul echoes OT scheme, God “removes and sets kings…they rule and make laws” Dan 2.21; Prov. 8.15.

  • The point is “What God allows, He is sometimes said to ordain.”

  • True even of Satan, Luke 4:6

The devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me [by Adam!], and I give it to whomever I want."

Romans 13:2 rebels "will bring judgment upon themselves"

  • Example from John the Baptist who criticized Herod.

  • Paul and Silas beaten by the Roman magistrates at Philippi (Acts 16:23).

Romans 13:3 The "rulers"

  • The Greek archon used for human rulers, cp. Josephus ref. to Roman rulers over Jews during the War.

Romans 13:4, Gods’ servants for good and evil, I.e., avenger!

  • God has given government the responsibility to punish evil, even capital punishment.

  • This job is explicitly forbidden to the Christian (12:17a, 19)!

Rom 12:17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil;

12:19 Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends!

  • Again, Paul echoes Hebrew Scriptures where God sometimes uses the nations to punish His own people.

Romans 13:6-7, pay your taxes.

  • Ancient Rome funded military conquests, the same that persecuted Christians;

  • Funded public works like the coliseums, gladiatorial games, orgies, etc.

John MacArthur US revolutionary war was “contrary to the clear teachings and commands of Rome 13:1-7.”

“So the United States was actually born out of a violation of New Testament principles, and any blessings God has bestowed on America have come in spite of that disobedience by the Founding Fathers.”

  • Rom. 13:11 “salvation is now closer to us than when we first believed”:

Salvation in the NT is in 3 tenses of the verb:

  1. We were saved (Rom 8:24),

  2. We are being saved (2Cor 2:15),

  3. We will be saved at Messiah’s return (Acts 15:11).

Romans 13:12 The night has advanced toward dawn;

  • Messianic symbol, Zecheriah the priest:

Luke 1:78 “Through God’s caring kindness to us, heaven’s dawn will break upon us, 79 to shine on those who live in darkness and under the shadow of death [Dan 12.3], and to guide us along the path which leads to peace.”