2.42 They committed themselves to the teaching of the Apostles and to the
fellowship of the believers, “breaking bread” and praying together.
“On the first day of the week…we gathered together to break bread…”
[Teaching] 14.1: "And on the
Lord's day come together and break bread and give thanks, having first
confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure."
The service became primarily
a remembrance of martyrs & the soon-to-come KOG, i.e., 2nd
NT evidence: Mat 20
21 Jesus said to her, “What
is it you are asking me for?” She said, “Please appoint my sons to sit beside
you in your future Kingdom, one on your right and the other on your left.”
22 Jesus said to them, “You
do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup I am about to
drink?” They replied, “Yes, we can certainly do that.”
23 Jesus replied, “You
will indeed drink from my cup, but the privilege of sitting on my right or on
my left in the coming Kingdom is not mine to give [only the Father’s].”
Early Christian practice from the Roman catacombs, early 2nd
century known as the Fractio Panis, "breaking
of bread", aka:
"The Lord's Supper" (coena dominica),
“The "Sacrifice" (prosphora, oblatio),
The "Liturgy" (Acts 13:2, leitourgountes);
"The gathering together" (synaxis, congregatio),
"The Mysteries",
"The Sacrament of the Altar",
“The Agape Meal/Feast”.
The Point: Communion inextricably connected with Martyrdom [denoting a purely pacifist/non-violent movement] and the Christian Hope, soon-to-come 2nd coming/KOG.
The Service: Warnings
1Cor 10:14: So my dear
friends, stay away from idol worship.
15 I am talking to intelligent people, so you decide whether I am
telling the truth.
16 When we give thanks for the cup we drink in the Lord’s Supper, do we
not share in the blood of Messiah? When we break the communion bread, do we not
share in the body of Messiah?
Church split/factions
1Cor 11:17 Now in giving you
the instructions which follow I cannot commend you, because when you meet
together you cause more harm than good!
18 First of all, I hear that when you have church meetings you are
split into different factions, and I believe there is truth in this.
19 Of course such factions among you are inevitable so that those who
are genuinely approved can show themselves by the evidence.
The bread:
23 For I received from the lord the tradition I passed on to you: the
lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took some bread.
24 After giving thanks, he broke the bread into pieces and said, “This
bread represents my body, which is given for you. Remember me when you do
The cup:
25 In the same way he took the cup, after supper, and said, “This cup
is the New Covenant ratified in my blood. Remember me as often as you drink it.”
Closing Prayer:
26 For as often you eat this bread and drink from this cup you are
announcing the lord’s death, until he returns.” Maranatha!
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