Tuesday, December 6, 2016


By Barbara Buzzard
Since abortion is not a political issue (politics pales by comparison), it still needs to be addressed, perhaps even hammered on, post-election. After all, we are still killing over a million babies per year, approaching 59 million. The death-on-demand holocaust is continuing. The bottom line – as long as the federal government uses our tax dollars to kill hundreds of thousands of children each year –it is a pro-death institution. 
Yes, gains have been made but Republicans have also waffled, equivocated and caved in re: pro-life legislation. Every time the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is denied to an individual – the Constitution is denied and betrayed. And if you are not pro-life – you are pro-death.
Yes, I know this is awkward, rather like mentioning an unmentionable. I know from wearing a pro-life badge for months now that most people simply don’t want to know. Most turn away. I invite you to join me in initiating conversations on abortion.
The ignorance of the general public on this issue is stunning. The shocking lack of response from evangelicals makes one think that they are only pretending to be pro-life. And our desire to remain in ignorance is unhealthy, self-serving, and base.
Brian Fisher of the Human Coalition challenges us with this: “Abortion can be ended in America in one generation. Roe v. Wade can be overturned, but only after our culture is changed...Who must lead the charge? Christian men.” 
“Men, we are responsible for the legalization of abortion in America. We are responsible for the destruction of the family. And, men, we have the power to stop this silent holocaust.”
Uniquely Devastating
Joel Belz of World magazine puts it this way: “Do we really need office-seekers who will go out of their way to define themselves as ‘pro-life’ or even ‘anti-abortion’? Well, yes, we do. We Christians should never be hesitant to say boldly and clearly that abortion is a uniquely devastating behavior. It rattles the foundations of a civilized society. It pushes a culture in a dark and dreadful direction.”
Belz says: “Abortion, for example is one of the most racist of social causes in history. Both the history and the current practice of Planned Parenthood are demonstrably racist to the core.” As Christians, one of our “duties” is to see to it that we are not deceived. And we are also to expose lies. Planned Parenthood got caught selling infant body parts. There should have been national outrage. When there are pro-life rallies in S. American countries or in Europe they are enormous in comparison to our own. Recently 300,000 said “No” to abortion in N. Ireland. How dare we be indifferent to or apathetic about this murderous rampage against vulnerable innocents?
Do you believe the lie that Planned Parenthood is pro-choice? If it were pro-choice, it would actually offer another choice! They would have adoption brochures and counselors equipped to offer information on choices. They would offer help for mothers who would like to keep their babies. I do not believe this is the case. Do we realize how aggressively pro-death we have become? Many European countries require counseling sessions when considering abortion. Many have mandated waiting periods; even in many secular countries - abortion is much more restricted than it is here.
Did you know – at 14 weeks, i.e. 3-1/2 inches – a baby can grimace, squint, frown, grasp and possibly even sucking his thumb? What madness would put this infant to death? May we all feel a burden to be a voice for those who don’t have one.

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Only True God a review

As stated on the book jacket, “The Only True God explores the extent to which Christianity began to move in new directions in the earliest period of its history...James McGrath argues that even the most developed Christologies in the New Testament fit within the context of first-century Jewish ‘monotheism.’ In doing so, he pinpoints more precisely when the parting of the ways took place over God’s oneness.”
                                                      Parting of the Ways
At this point, I think we should be alerted to two phrases which could signal a great and dangerous divide: “move in new directions” and “parting of the ways.” Unless Christianity can trace its beliefs back to the early church, its authority is self imposed and therefore most questionable. While moving in new directions may sound innocent enough, once the golden thread of Messiahship being traced back to descendancy from David is broken, all connections with the parent faith are at least suspicious and at worst bastardized.
McGrath writes: “Monotheism has also been at the focus of numerous debates, in particular between Christian Trinitarians on the one hand, and other monotheists, in particular Jews and Muslims, on the other. Questions that tend to be asked in the context of such debates include whether Christians are in fact truly monotheists at all or whether, on closer inspection, they prove to be ‘tritheists’ whose commitment to monotheism is at best questionable.” On page 2 of his book McGrath states that it is not clear when and how the parting of the ways took place, but he certainly admits that it did take place. Between page 2 and the last page McGrath details historic data about this great divide. He sets the stage: “Many readers less familiar with recent scholarly debates on this subject may well take it for granted that early Jews and Christians considered themselves to be monotheists — and may likewise take it for granted that Jews did not consider Christians to be such because of the beliefs they held about Jesus.” McGrath speaks of a “development on the part of early Christian theology away from its roots in Jewish monotheism,” and he feels that the word “departure” was an accurate one to describe Christianity leaving the strict monotheism of its Jewish parent religion.
Serious Bible students will already have their hackles up at several of the terms used and will perhaps be thinking that a more Biblical word would be apostasy. Note this: “Early Christians made innovations that moved them not away from monotheism but toward a different sort of monotheism, one redefined so as to incorporate the exalted status of Jesus.”
McGrath agrees that a mutation took place in early Christianity and states that “Thus Christianity’s ‘worship’ of Jesus is a mutation within early Jewish and Christian monotheism” and he actually feels that this mutation led to the “production of a new species (Trinitarian monotheism)”!
While McGrath defends mutations, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary gives as one meaning: “a hypothetical sudden fundamental change in heredity believed to result in the production of new individuals that are basically unlike their parents.” Good thing or bad thing?
McGrath agrees that earliest Christianity did not depart from Jewish adherence to the idea of one God alone. However, this statement and the reasoning surrounding it make one wonder if he is not saying that later Christianity did! We are reminded of John 17:3. He then explains that he feels that the most sensible view is that “the early Christian view of Jesus represented an adaptation within Judeo-Christian monotheism rather than a departure from it.” (Hmm. I guess that adaptation would allow one to alter numbers.)
McGrath is very keen that we understand the various types of monotheism: rhetorical, creational, liturgical, and inclusive or exclusive, but as he says, “Early Christians do not engage in debates about whether God is one, and they often cite the oneness of God as a presupposition.”
McGrath is also keen to make it understood that it is just not that simple in terms of comparing monotheists to polytheists; that monotheism occurs in varying degrees and changes over the course of

history. I personally remain unconvinced of this angle, remembering how stunningly clear it was to Jesus, who was a genius and would have noted vagaries and inconsistencies. He proclaimed loud and long that only his Father was God, a simple enough proposition to me. Please compare it with this quotation from McGrath’s book. He quotes Paula Fredriksen: “While not every ancient polytheist was a monotheist, all ancient monotheists were, by our measure, polytheists.” McGrath balances this by saying: “But in emphasizing this diversity, it would be wrong to neglect the underlying unity evidenced throughout available sources regarding Hellenistic Judaism, namely, the core belief that only one God is to be offered sacrificial worship, the form of worship par excellence in the ancient world.”
                                                      Splitting the Shema
McGrath explains that “In the view of the majority of New Testament scholars, in 1 Cor. 8:6 Paul has ‘split the Shema,’ the traditional affirmation of Israel’s faith in one God, in order to include Jesus Christ within it.” Emphasis mine and apologies to those who haven’t seen before how the Shema is treated (abused?), a fact without parallel in Jewish literature. He quotes New Testament scholar Tom Wright who affirms that this verse “functions as a Christian redefinition of the Jewish confession of faith.”  Thankfully, our author sees through this and finds that “it does not do justice to the nature of the Shema itself...The fact of the matter is that Paul does not say that there is one God who is both Father and Son; he says rather that there is one God and also one Lord. The fact that a human figure is called ‘Lord’ does not of course imply for Paul that God is thereby divested of his lordship.” McGrath then goes on to present evidence to challenge the popular notion that Jesus has been included inside the Shema and gives an alternate understanding that Jesus is alongside the Shema. He notes that the word Lord “has a range of meanings and nuances running all the way from ‘sir’ to ‘Yahweh.’”
In a fascinating look into Paul’s theology McGrath notes that Paul had to defend his new Christian views against his former Jewish views. How very odd that there is no record of an enormous battle between himself and the Jews with regard to monotheism, if indeed he had departed from belief in one God and one God only. That there is not a heated dialogue similar to his battle in relation to the law is indeed something to be pondered. McGrath compares it to the dog that did not bark in the Sherlock Holmes story — a dead giveaway. McGrath states: “We have seen much evidence indicating that the language applied to Jesus in the Pauline letters would not have involved a departure from the Jewish monotheism of the time.” He then goes on to say that Paul’s use of “Lord” as applied to Jesus can easily be misunderstood and he argues that “it was not felt to be incompatible with monotheism for God’s supreme agent to bear God’s name as part of his empowerment to serve in this capacity.” The important point here is that to be given a name (as angels were) is not to be confused with the real holder of that name.
                                          Saying Two Things at Once
McGrath is honest in making this very telling statement: “One of the criticisms often made of the doctrine of the Trinity as formulated by the Council of Nicaea, or the doctrine of the person of Christ as formulated at Chalcedon, is that these doctrines attempt to say two things at once that cannot be logically held together. Phrases like ‘three persons, one substance’ and ‘one person, two natures’ stretch human language to breaking point.”
James McGrath’s description of agency is superb, simply that “God is regularly depicted as sharing his sovereignty with an appointed agent.” This gives the agent (Jesus) the right to carry out divine functions (forgiveness), be depicted in divine language and bear the divine name. What an absolute breakthrough in understanding this can be!
“That Paul’s application of the divine name ‘Lord’ and of Yahweh texts from the Hebrew Bible to Jesus is intended to present Jesus as God’s agent, who shares in God’s rule and authority, becomes clear when one considers Romans 14:9-11, where Paul takes up the language of Isaiah 45:23 once again, but here emphasizes that the throne of judgment is ultimately God’s even though Christ is the Lord through whom judgment is carried out. In 1 Cor. 15:27-28, Paul makes clear the roles played by Jesus and God. Jesus is the ‘(son of) man’ to whom all things are to be subjected. That is to say, Jesus is the representative of humankind whom God has chosen to be his agent and mediator of judgment, and through whom he intends to bring all things into subjection to himself.”
This is crystal clear and merits many bravos. It is also enough to get McGrath labeled as a heretic because all through this description of Jesus, he did not say that Jesus is God, as one is required to do in evangelical circles. The quotation continues and is brilliant: “Thus however united and ‘at one’ with God the agent may be, the two remain ultimately distinguishable for Paul. Monotheism is preserved not because Jesus is absorbed into God or included in the divine identity but because even though Jesus reigns over absolutely everything else on God’s behalf, God himself is not subjected to Christ, but Christ is subjected to God.” The last word on this incredibly important subject of agency: “The authority conveyed to the agent shows both the importance of the agent to God and the confidence God has in the agent to wield that power.”
                                                      This is not orthodox
McGrath goes against the grain of orthodoxy when he says: “Paul’s use of Yahweh texts in connection with Jesus, while distinctive and thought-provoking, would not have represented an attempt to redefine monotheism, and thus should not be read in light of the later developments in Christology to which Paul’s writings, in their own way, contributed....Paul keeps the ultimate and incontrovertible boundary marker of Jewish monotheism in place.”
And shockingly, of the Apostle John, McGrath says: “In terms of Jewish monotheism as it existed in the first century, the evidence suggests that John was completely, undeniably, and without reservations a monotheist” (from McGrath’s earlier work, John’s Apologetic Christology). He brings to bear the weight of C.K. Barrett’s logic with respect to John 8:28 where Barrett points out that “it is intolerable to suggest that John presents Jesus as saying, ‘I am Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, and as such I do exactly what I am told.’” (Emphasis mine.)
Another shock: this very popular writer and theologian actually says that John 20:28 is the only certain reference to the human person of Jesus (rather than the preexistent Word) as “God.” McGrath surveyed enough evidence to convince him that it was quite possible to give allegiance to the one true God and yet use language of the Son as God’s supreme agent. He summarizes: Jesus “is allowed to share God’s throne, titles, and other prerogatives…Thus, against Dunn, and the majority of New Testament scholars, I am forced to conclude that John would not have been regarded by his Jewish contemporaries as having taken a ‘step too far’ beyond the bounds of what was acceptable within the context of Jewish allegiance to the one true God and him alone.”
                                                      Weasel words?
Along with the wonderful testimony as given above, McGrath weakens his case with many cautionary words and phrases: compromise, abandoned, redefinition, expansion, appending, additional, drift, rift, departure, adaptation, etc. James McGrath has used these words to explain what he sees as justifiable advances in the faith, but I fear that many are weasel words. They do not describe nor accurately portray Jesus’ Truth. McGrath said early on that the “New Testament sources appear to fit nicely within the bounds of Jewish monotheism.” He stated that the Jews who reserved worship for the Most High God displayed and constituted the most highly advanced form of monotheism in existence. In truth, I am spectacularly disappointed with his conclusions. He puts forth two models: one being a parting of the ways, the other a more developed Christianity. And he speaks of monotheists who were willing to give up their lives rather than compromise their devotion to one God alone.
Then this shocker: “It is of course true that, within the course of the next few centuries, Christianity’s monotheism would develop into what we today know as trinitarianism.” This, after stating that 1 Corinthians 8:6 was a statement of faith for early Christians, contrasted with pagan polytheism. This, after highlighting the unadulterated monotheism of both Paul and John. This, after not being able to defend the logic of the Trinity with its attempts to say two things at once. As he said, it stretched human language to its breaking point. I would submit the possibility that the faith has in fact, departed from its roots and is no longer true to its parents’ DNA . McGrath puts this thought forward: “Neither these Jewish beliefs nor even those found in the New Testament writings can be said to express the fully developed doctrine of the Trinity current in most branches of Christianity.” How can we have it both ways: it isn’t there in Scripture, but it’s a good thing and you must believe it. McGrath: “This was not part of the thinking of either early Judaism or earliest Christianity. However, it is a spectacularly helpful and inspiring development which may therefore be justified, if not on biblical grounds
                                          Another Point of View
I would recommend strongly to readers that they read at least the first chapter of another book with exactly the same title: The Only True God, by Eric H. H. Chang. (Free online: theonlytrueGod.org) His conclusions differ from McGrath’s. For example, Chang says: “Where there is belief in more than one person who is God, that is polytheism by definition.”
Chang sums up by saying: “But the fundamental problem created by elevating Jesus to the level of deity is that a situation is created in which there are at least two persons who are both equally God; this brings trinitarianism into conflict with the monotheism of the Bible.”
It does not follow.
I fear that McGrath has fallen into the trap of saying two things at once that cannot be logically held together. He argues that the invention (my word) of the Trinity was a good thing. I am left gasping. It does not follow, nor does it bear witness to the very logic the author has otherwise urged upon us.
McGrath defends himself: “Some may assume that because I have insisted on the monotheistic character of early Christianity, I am in some way challenging the legitimacy of trinitarian theology. This does not follow. It is certainly true that the earliest Christians were not trinitarians in the modern sense.” (He argues that neither were they monotheists in the modern sense.) McGrath tragically, in my opinion, leaves his readers with a God Who is not the same God as the One Jesus worshipped.

Barbara Buzzard

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Removing God from the Abortion Debate: Questions and Facts

by Barbara Buzzard

Excerpts from the book, God and Hillary Clinton:

There is nothing more sacrosanct to Hillary Clinton than a “woman’s right to choose.” It is her alpha and omega, beyond doubt her highest priority. I wrote an entire book on the faith of Hillary Clinton, and the one thing that struck me above all else, from start to finish, was her absolute fealty [loyalty] to Roe v. Wade. It is Hillary’s hill to die on. I believe Hillary Clinton would give her life for Roe v. Wade.

Author Paul Kengor discovered that Hillary’s doctor (Harrison) was the state’s leading abortion doctor who boasted of having performed thousands of abortions.

Like Hillary, Harrison saw legal abortion as moral. He waxed religious in searching for words to characterize it. He described his patients as “born again,” even while conceding, “I am destroying life.” He candidly called himself an “abortionist” — a term of derision employed by abortion foes. “You don’t understand,” he reprimanded me. “I consider what I do very pro-life. I am saving lives when I do abortions.” 
The United Methodist Church (UMC) at the time officially supported legal abortion, and was a member of the hideous Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, which, mercifully, it finally withdrew from only this past April. The UMC’s liberalism on abortion appealed to Hillary and her abortion-providing doctor.

Now, however, the UMC mourns the high abortion rates and opposes partial birth abortion. Hillary continues to call herself a Methodist.

And so we have on the one side:                                          And on the other:
Scripture:                                                                              Hillary:
“Destruction is certain for those who                                     Advocates even for partial
say that evil is good and good is evil” (Isa. 5:20a).               birth abortion,calling it moral

Hillary Clinton is clearly hostile to biblical teaching; her actions do not harmonize with a Christian view. She praises and endorses wickedness.

LifeNews.com poses these questions to Hillary:
1. Why do you think an unborn child has no constitutional rights?
2. Should an unborn child have any legal rights before he’s born?
3. Why do you think Christians should be forced to change their views on abortion?
4. Why do you think it’s okay to abort babies just because they have Down Syndrome?
5. Why did you pick a running mate who claims he is a Catholic in good standing while contradicting the pro-life views of the Catholic Church?
6. Why do you “admire” population control activist Margaret Sanger?
7. Why did you defend Planned Parenthood when it was caught selling aborted baby parts?
8. Why did you laugh when someone removed “under God” from the pledge of allegiance?
9. Why do you support late-term abortions on babies after 20 weeks? (Why are you prepared to abort a child at full term, murdering and dismembering it?)
10. Why did you compare the majority of Americans who are pro-life to terrorists?

Also from LifeNews.com: 

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas doesn’t mince any words in a new editorial he posted on the web site of the Catholic archdiocese he heads. He says Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine is just a “cafeteria Catholic” because he supports abortion.

Naumann’s column is so eloquent nothing needs to be added to it:

In the Oct. 4 vice presidential debate, Senator Kaine acknowledged he was blessed with great Irish Catholic parents and grew up in a wonderful faith-filled family. He also mentioned proudly that he is a graduate of Rockhurst High School, crediting the Jesuits with instilling within him a desire for public service and a commitment to advocate for the poor. I wish that was the end of the story.
It was painful to listen to Senator Kaine repeat the same tired and contorted reasoning to profess his personal opposition to abortion while justifying his commitment to keep it legal. He said all the usual made-for-modern-media sound bites: It is not proper to impose his religious beliefs upon all Americans. He trusts women to make good reproductive choices. And when all else fails, there is always: Do we really want to criminalize and fill our jails with post-abortive women?.
Why is Senator Kaine personally opposed to abortion, if he does not believe that it is the taking of an innocent human life? I hope in his science classes at Rockhurst he learned that at the moment of fertilization a new human life has begun with his or her own distinct DNA — different from the genetic code of both the child’s mother and father.
It is difficult to imagine that Senator Kaine has not seen the ultrasound images of his children and grandchildren when they were in their mother’s womb. Is the senator unaware that abortion stopped the beating hearts of 60 million American children aborted legally since 1973?
If he knows these truths of biology, why would he believe that anyone has the right to authorize the killing of an unborn human being? This is where the reproductive choice euphemism breaks apart. Does anyone really have the choice to end another human being’s life? Our choices end where another individual’s more fundamental rights begin.
As Naumann concludes:
Unfortunately, the vice-presidential debate revealed that the Catholic running for the second highest office in our land is an orthodox member of his party, fully embracing his party’s platform, but a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing the teachings of the Catholic Church that are politically convenient.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

An Extraordinary Person

by Barbara Buzzard

Anthony and I were blessed this past week to attend a talk by Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor. Gianna has testified before Congress twice on behalf of the unborn, has spoken abroad and accepts speaking engagements all over the country. She survived a saline abortion attempt and was burned over 95 % of her body as well as having internal damage. She has cerebral palsy but refuses to give in to its devastating effects. Rarely have we ever experienced such raw emotion; she is a passionate Christian.

Gianna has actually run two - 26 mi. marathons – running on her toes – taking over 8 ours to complete. She is motivated by Scripture as she determines: I WILL run the race marked out for me. I will never surrender.

At 17 months she entered her second foster home. Her foster mother was told that she would not even hold up her head, let alone walk or function. She challenges us with this: how many of you can walk from here to there without even thinking about it? Then stop whining!

More of her thoughts:
• We are mostly passive as Christians.
• We don’t care enough!
• There is no national outrage against the killing of the unborn!!
• That popular cocktail party Jesus who doesn’t demand much is not the real one.
• If you are going through hell – make sure that you take everything you can out of it!
• Use whatever is in your hand. Example: Gianna may have to revert to a walker, which she dreads, because she has been more mobile than that. But the idea came to her that if she has to use a walker, she can put a large white board on the front of it with Scripture and Bible-based Truths. She has dedicated her life to being a fisher of men and knows that God can use the weakness in her legs to be of benefit to others.
• We are made for epic love, not average love.
It is her mission to return to God all the passion He has given her.

She speaks directly to both men and women who have in any way had anything to do with the abortion industry and urges them to repent in order to overcome the accompanying guilt and shame.
Gianna is a firebrand; what a force for good! Why do we as a society have to be screamed at to make us see reason – i.e. the killing of a 3 yr. old is murder, the killing of a preborn 3-mo. old is murder. She is 39, childless, having spent her entire life defending other people’s children. Her passion against this hideous practice we have in our so-called Christian country is a mighty witness against it. Abortion is a raging fire in our society, and there is lifelong damage that can come of having a part in the aborting of a child.

Dave Hazard and Guy Condon have written an enlightening book, entitled Fatherhood Aborted. The book speaks of the emotional devastation of many men once they realize what they have done. The book is no longer in print but free digital copies are available at Care-net.org. There is always a price to pay even if it seems not. Many who have had abortions speak of having a ghost with them for the rest of their lives.

The Pope recently corrected Tim Kaine by saying that you cannot be Catholic and approve of abortion. But can you be a Christian and approve of abortion?! Can you be a Christian and be silent about the murder of the pre-born.? The true measure of a society is how we treat our children. Any vote for choice is a vote for abortion - is a vote for the murdering of innocents.

It was Erma Bombeck who said that she hoped that on judgment day she could say to her Maker: I have nothing left – I used up everything you gave me. May we all be moved to compassionate action by the knowledge of murder in our land. You will be blessed by helping to defend the most vulnerable of all lives.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Getting Serious Here: A Time of Universal Deceit

By Barbara Buzzard

A recent article in a traditional conservative women’s magazine was entitled “One man’s confession: “I’m happily married…and I watch porn.” It was written anonymously of course, and the author thinks he is really quite a decent guy. He didn’t claim to be a Christian, but reliable statistics say that “1 out of every 3 men in America has an ongoing relationship with pornography.”[1] And the author in question actually quotes Ph.D.s who say they see no link between pornography and being unfaithful; basically they see nothing to worry about. Whoaa! It’s time to start speaking truth to ourselves.
The man in question has a moral problem. He filibusters around it, deceiving himself that he is doing no harm, blind to the possibility that his feelings/desires will crescendo. He is a promise/covenant breaker with no respect for his victims, a man blinded by the darkness of his own lusts. He is a possible homewrecker, ignorant of the perils of trying to fill a bottomless pit.
What a very different picture this would be should the man repent and choose the Christian walk. Then he could be challenged to take his feelings to Scripture and have them named (lust, pride, etc.). Once named, he could no longer plead innocence. He is being deceived into thinking that such feelings can be innocent, but Scripture could set him right – some yearnings are blessed and some are forbidden.
Job could be a wonderful mentor for this man. Job saw the brilliant results of being in/under covenant: “I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?” (Job 31:1). It is remarkable that such a simple yet profound answer would solve the writer’s problem. Ah, yes, but it would require obedience.
There is so much help from those who have gone before us. Ps. 101:2b-4: “I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar…I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.” 1 Cor. 6:12 – “You may say, ‘I am allowed to do anything.’ But I reply, ‘Not everything is good for you. And even though ‘I am allowed to do anything,’ I must not become a slave to anything.”
These very telling words were heard in the movie, ‘Fireproof’: “A parasite is anything that latches onto you or your partner and sucks the life out of your marriage. They’re usually in the form of addictions, like gambling, drugs, or pornography. They promise pleasure but grow like a disease and consume more and more of your thoughts, time, and money. They steal away your loyalty and heart from those you love. Marriages rarely survive if parasites are present. If you love your spouse, you must destroy any addiction that has your heart. If you don’t, it will destroy you.”[2]
Sin, when it is indulged in this way, is defiling, whether the sinner knows it or not. This man has the gall to say that his is a relatively healthy secret. He is glad that his wife does not know. But character is who you are when no one is looking; and for the Christian it is remembering Whose you are. The concept of “putting on” restraint and other good qualities and “putting off” unholy and forbidden actions is crucial to the choices we make. And casting off restraint is not a good condition to be in (Pro. 29:18).
A wise person has put it this way: “Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” It is the old rule that ‘who feeds you – owns you.’
1 John 2:216 – “For the world offers only the lusts for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see…These are not from the Father. They are from this evil world.”
But the good news is this: “… if you do sin, there is someone to plead for you before the Father” (1 John 2:1). There is no need to live with sin or with guilt. The most blessed provision has been made for us, and Jesus’ yoke is gentle as well as dependable. What relief there is to pull into this safe harbor!

[1] Joel Belz, ‘Keep it quiet, please’, World magazine, Jan. 23, 2016
[2] Stephen Kendrick, The Love Dare Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples