Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Kingdom Now texts explained

 Presented at the 5th Annual KOG Missions Conference 

Synopsis: An explanation of popular texts that are used to teach the Kingdom as something other than a future event, i.e., when God through Christ will restore the Kingdom of Israel to the Church and establish His rule over a renewed earth.

Talking Points

1.       The Kingdom Now;

2.       The Kingdom according to Jesus;

3.       The Kingdom according to John;

4.       The Kingdom according to Paul.


1.       The Kingdom Now

Many teach a so-called tension between present and future statements about the kingdom of God. For example, The Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels rightly notes "that during Jesus’ ministry the Kingdom of God is spoken of always as a future event. It is expected, prayed for and hoped for. [They add that the Kingdom] is never said explicitly to have arrived, not even at the Last Supper. But because the agent of the Kingdom is present and active through his teaching and mighty works, the Kingdom of God may also be said to be potentially present.”[1]

This type of teaching has led to what some call Realized Eschatology or the Already....Not Yet. In other words, the Kingdom is described as already here but not yet consummated or fully realized. They claim that for Jesus the Kingdom is at hand or near, meaning it's present but not yet fully realized.

The noted German scholar Hans Kung sums up the history of this view well.

With Irenaeus, who placed the kingdom of God in the context of salvation-history, and Clement of Alexandria, with his markedly spiritualistic and ethical conception of the kingdom of God, as his forerunners, Origen took the kingdom of God as meaning above all the "kingdom of God within us", as referring to the autobasileia[2] of Christ in the soul of each individual, and saw the Church platonically as the earthly image of a heavenly kingdom of God. Not until the historical turning-point in the reign of Constantine did the "Christian" religio-political idea of an empire emerge, as developed by the Byzantine court theologians (Eusebius of Caesarea) under the slogan: "one God, one Logos, one Emperor, one Empire". In this view the Christian imperium is the fulfillment of the messianic time of salvation. As a result the Church became a State Church, subordinate to the imperium.[3]


2.       The Kingdom According to Jesus

According to my BibleWorks 10 software, the word Kingdom appears around 113 times throughout the Gospels:

·       c. 50 times in Matthew;

·       c. 40 times in Luke;

·       c. 20 times in Mark;

·       3 times in John[4].

When one reads the verses and relevant passages you will find that the overwhelming emphasis is on a future Kingdom that will one day be established on earth. There are only a few possible exceptions where Jesus describes the Kingdom as in some sense already here or present during his life and ministry:

·       Mat 12:28, If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Cp. Luke 11.20;

·       Luke 17:21, the Kingdom of God is in your midst, within you.

But first, we need to note that according to the biblical prophecies the future establishment of the kingdom will be a worldwide geo-political, visible and instantaneous event. The Kingdom is never described as some experiential, invisible and slow, gradual process "breaking into" the life of the believer. For example, the coming of the Kingdom will be:

·       Like a fast falling rock, crushing all other wicked kingdoms, Dan. 2:35, 44;

·       Like a fast moving fire that will consume and bring to a sudden end all evil on earth, Zeph. 1.18;

·       Like the fast flash of lightning across the sky, Luke 17:23–24;

·       Like the rush of the flood waters of Noah’s day, Luke 17:20–28;

·       Like the sudden fire and brimstone of Sodom and Gomorrah, Luke 17:29–33;

As a result, unbelievers will be caught off guard and the wicked speedily judged (1Thess 5:3).

These are the biblical glasses we need to wear in order to understand Jesus saying to his enemies, the Pharisees, the kingdom of God has come upon you (Mat 12:28). Here, Jesus is using kingdom language as a foreshadow and forewarning of the coming judgment. Paul uses similar language in 1 Thess. 2:16; 1Cor 10.11 when he says the wrath of God, I.e., the fulfillment of the ages has come upon the enemies of the gospel. Some refer to this type of biblical language as prophetic present tense.

The scriptures often speak of future events using a verb in the present tense in order to indicate their ultimate certainty in the plans of God. For example, in Matt. 26:2 Jesus said after two days the Passover comes, and the Son of Man is delivered up to be crucified; in the parables the preaching of the kingdom is represented as a growing, spreading mustard seed (Mat 13.31-32); Jesus describes his followers as the people of the kingdom (Mat 13.38); these kingdom people are being collected by a net that is being cast (Mat 13.47); and Jesus describes the Kingdom as a hidden treasure that is found by would be kingdom people (Matt. 13:44-45); the saying the Kingdom is here or there is explained by the following verses describing the future arrival of the Son of Man.

·       v 22 “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it."

·       23 People will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. 

·       v 24 For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 

·       v 26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man." 

·       v 30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed." 

In other words, what Jesus is saying is that when the Kingdom finally comes, it will be all over, worldwide and not just some localized event. As a result, you don't have to look here or look there because the kingdom will be all over, i.e., in your midst as some translate the Greek here. That explains Jesus saying in Luke 13.29: People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.

Another reason the translation “within you” (KJV) cannot be correct is that scripture describes people entering or inheriting the kingdom (Matt. 5:20; 23:13; John 3:5). This again points to the terrestrial, geo-political nature of the future kingdom. Joseph of Arimathea was waiting expectantly for the kingdom, Mar 15:43; Jesus promised his Apostles at the renewal of all things, when he sits on the throne of his glory on earth, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel, Mat 19:28; Jesus also promised until that day he will drink the communion cup with them in my Father’s kingdom, Mat 26:29; The thief on the cross asks Jesus to remember him when you come into [i.e., enters] your kingdom, Luke 23:42; and the Apostles ask the resurrected Jesus if he will finally restore the kingdom to Israel, Acts 1:6, etc., When you see these things, then you know the Kingdom is near, (Luke 21:31).

3.       The Kingdom According to John

Unlike the Synoptics, the writings of John refer to the kingdom as eternal life, lit. life of the age to come. And John sometimes describes the born again person as already having crossed over or gained that eternal [kingdom] life of the age to come even now (John 5.24)!

The Canadian Baptist minister and theologian George Ladd noted: "It is noteworthy that in John eternal life is first mentioned after the only references in the Gospel to the KOG (3.15).”[5]

Like Luke 17:21 John is using biblical ways of speaking for having something future promised as already with you. For example, in John 17 Jesus prays to the Father to once again glorify him with the glory I had with you before the world existed. Yet, later in the same chapter Jesus says I have given them the glory you have given me. Also note that when Jesus says I have given them the glory he not only meant his Apostles but all Christians across all the ages, i.e., past, present and future! 

We find that elsewhere in the Synoptics the word glory is another term for Kingdom. In Mark 10:37 some of his Apostles petition Jesus: “Appoint us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” In Matthew's telling of the same story it is the mother of the Apostles who asks Jesus: “Declare that these two sons of mine will sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” Matt 20.21

The point is that the things based on what God the Father purposed and promised, even before the foundation of the world, are as good as done (fait accompli). Paul says to Timothy that God has already saved us, i.e., brought us into His kingdom, because that was His plan before the ages of time (2Tim 1.9). And elsewhere Paul describes the salvation of the elect and the gospel message itself as predestined, preordained events (Romans 8.30; Ephesians 1.4-5, 11; 1 Corinthians 2.7).

Similarly, according to John, if you believe that gospel of Jesus you already have the promise of eternal, immortal life of the age to come now, the kingdom.

4.       The Kingdom According to Paul

In Col 1.13 Paul says God has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. Like the Gospels, the point here is that Christians have been removed from this present evil age by choosing the kingdom lifestyle now. Paul alludes to this fact throughout this chapter:

·       9 For this reason we also, since the day we heard about it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 

·       10a so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.

·       21 And although you were previously alienated and hostile in attitude, engaged in evil deeds, 

·       22a yet He has now reconciled you in His body of flesh through death.

And once again note the emphasis on the future:

·       4b We heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints; 5b because of the hope reserved for you in heaven.

·       23 if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you have heard.

The same is true for Romans 14:17 where the context is about putting up with the weaker brethren among us in church. This requires from the strong Christian Kingdom principles based on the fruits of the spirit, i.e., "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."



The Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels is right to say:

The Kingdom is not present in any sense not reconcilable with the fact that it is also and mainly future. Jesus did not dissociate Himself from the traditional view that the end would come in the form of a catastrophic transformation, culminating in the Advent of Messiah Himself, who would come from heaven. [This final] destruction and reconstruction...would be the perfect establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

So it's highly misleading to read a few Kingdom texts in support of a so-called potential or actual presence of the Kingdom. It's also equally wrong to suggest that the church is the kingdom therefore, Christians are in the process of building that kingdom of God!

As Hans Kung warned:

There can be no question of identity (Church = Kingdom of God), for the reign of God according to the new testament is the universal, final and definite basilea. There can be no question of continuity (the Kingdom of God emerges from the Church), for the reign of God is not the product of an organic development, of a process of maturation or interpenetration, but of a wholly new and unprepared action of God....So far from stressing identity, we should be concerned to stress the basic difference between the Church and the reign (i.e. Kingdom) of God.[6]

[1] Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, IVP, 1992, “Kingdom of God,” p. 425.

[2] That is, the “self-Kingdom,” e.g., you are the Kingdom.

[3] The Church, 1968.

[4] John 3.3, 5 you must be born again to enter the Kingdom; John 18.36, my kingdom not of this world.

[5] A Theology of the New Testament. Cp. John 3.3,36.

[6] Kung, The Church, p. 92.

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