Thursday, April 4, 2024

Favorite Pro-Life slogans


Life begins at conception. It ends at Planned Parenthood.


I worked in the abortion industry. I am now pro-life. You CAN quit!


Heartbeats detected must be protected.


1/3 of my generation is missing.


It’s a child – not a choice; I regret my abortion.


I mourn my aborted sibling.


I regret lost fatherhood.


Terrorists have killed 3,000 since 1990. Abortionists killed over 2,500 in America yesterday.


We protect: rainforests, whales, trees – but not unborn babies.


Call me an extremist but I think that dismemberment is wrong.


No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.


This feminist opposes discrimination by dismemberment.


A fetus=a child=a human being (Luke 1:39-45).


Real men love babies.


In the name of women’s rights – babies’ rights are snuffed out.


I am the pro-life generation; my generation will end abortion.


There is no argument for abortion that makes sense!


Both lives matter! Life is for everyone!


If abortion is about women’s rights – where were mine?


All those in favor of abortion have already been born!


The greatest threat to Planned Parenthood is the Truth!


Abortion is called a choice – but someone dies.


The unborn are human beings just like you and me. That is why it is wrong to kill them


A massacre of Innocents; abortion is an American holocaust.


I survived the rape. I never got over my abortion.


It is not a war on choice; it is a revulsion against killing.


Abortion is an industry of death.


Abortion is always wrong because it is always killing.


We march for those who can’t.


One unborn baby is murdered every 98 secs.


Abortion on demand = the gospel of choice.


It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you can live as you wish. ( Mother Teresa?)


No law can give you the right to do what is wrong,


Abortion is legal because babies can’t vote.


Every abortion has 2 victims: one damaged, one dead.


It’s not science; it’s violence. Pro-life is pro-science.


Speak up for those who cannot. I cannot stand by while innocent lives are being lost.


Butchering babies for trade in the open market is barbaric.


The most dangerous place for a black American baby is in the womb of its black American mother.


My birth mother walked out of Planned Parenthood. 60,086,776 babies never left. I walk for them.


Your baby has its own DNA. That makes you separate humans!


I love adoption!


Abortion is the definition of evil – pure and simple.


The Constitution says: “No state shall deprive any person of life…” So why is abortion legal?


Abortion really is about adults wanting to kill children legally.


I am pro-life because there is always a better answer than abortion.


Abortion is not medicine. It is not necessary. It is just a license to kill.


Why do grown-ups get to bash the baby, when we kids don’t get to break our toys or hurt our pets? Isn’t abortion like breaking my doll – only worse?


One unplanned pregnancy saved us all!


Help us make abortion unthinkable.


You have to join the side you are on!


Some babies die by chance, None should die by choice!


Sanctity of Life vs. Sanctity of choice!


It’s OK to kill a baby in the womb when?____________________


Life is for everyone!


It’s not choice – it’s violence.

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